Top 10 Positive Habits for Stress Free Life

Steps for Stress Free Life

The best way to handle stress free life is to handle yourself. How we interpret what’s happening matters, as well as how much we’ve taken care of ourselves and “filled the cup” check out these easy practices to adapt to life better! This article is for people who need to get information, support and motivation on stress free life.

The Ten Steps for Stress Free life are as follows:

1. Be More Loving

Be loving, compassionate and polite to the people around you.

2. Engage In Daily Physical Exercise

Regular exercise can relieve mental and physical tension. Physically active adults have lower risk of depression and loss of mental functioning.

3. Remember To Laugh

Laughter makes us feel good. Don’t be afraid to laugh out loud at a joke, a funny movie or a comic strip, even when we’re alone.

4. Get Organized

Use “to do” lists to help you focus on your most important tasks. Approach big tasks one step at a time.

5. Slow Down

Try to “pace” instead of “race.” Plan ahead and allow enough time to get the most important things done without having to rush.

6. Get Enough Sleep

Try to get six to eight hours of sleep each night. If you can’t sleep, take steps to help reduce stress and depression. Physical activity also may improve the quality of sleep and life in general.

7. Give Up The Bad Habits

Too much alcohol, cigarettes or caffeine can increase blood pressure. If you smoke, decide to quit now. If you do drink alcohol, do so in moderation.

8. Help Others

Volunteer your time or spend time helping out a friend. Helping others helps you.

9. Be Social

A daily dose of friendship is great medicine. Call or write friends and family to share your feelings, hopes and joys and ask them to share theirs.

10. Try Not To Worry

Take interest in life. Remember, rest of your life, is the best of your life.


Don’t think about the process or the results of stress free life practice, too much. There are numerous benefits of these practices.  It increases reduces stress, improves health, improves relationships, improves happiness levels, reduces negative emotions.  Keep your mind relaxed the results will come. Here, I have illustrated the top 10 positive habits for stress free life through info-graphic. If all 10 habits are too overwhelming, start with just 1 or 2!! Small, positive change is key to a happy, healthy lifestyle!!

Stress free life requires training and practice but it is the foundation of peace and happiness. The info-graphic of the top 10 positive habits for stress free life is illustrated here.

top 10 positive habits for stress free life

Stress free life practice takes time to develop; time, effort, attention, dedication. The steps I discussed in the info-graphic can help you to implement stress free life easily in your life.